So, out of Wiltshire; kicking and screaming come this quartet better known as Carsick. These guys are making quite a big noise at present with their new E.P. Drunk Hymns and a promotional tour to coincide with its release. Lead track “Anaconda Frank” is your familiar tale of bar brawls and the associated bravado that accompanies these acts. That familiar refrain “Kick His Head In Mate” is latterly a key lyric! The song itself begins with an edit from a telephone answering machine before kicking (sic) into life with a Punk/Rap vocal blast with a chorus so infectious it’ll be buried in your head immediately. The clicky drum tapping matches the flabby basslines and guitar layering – it’s just made for those sweaty, toilet venue mosh pits. To finish that answerphone edit re-announces itself once more.
“Nothing To Do” holds the same clicky drumbeat as the sampled edits continue. The spoken-word vocal harks back to “The Streets” at the height of their fame. More tales of deep, dark Wiltshire life and the obvious frustrations. Twisted chords and a more percussive drum sound match the dual vocalising, ruined only by some unnecessary cussing at the end!

“Runner” boasts an interesting sample intro and more than a nod to “Jamie T” in the vocal. Another tale of ‘weekend excess’ – ok so nothing new there then but the band offer a different take on the musical accompaniment. It’s like a song of two halves and they couldn’t decide on the title? “Runner” or “Bang, Bang, Bang” that said it’s catchy as hell.
“Heartbreak At The Anchor And Hope” is your classic E.P. closer. Stripped right back and much slower – I’m briefly reminded of one James Robert Morrison (Carter USM) during the early vocals. Honest and heartfelt yet beautifully delivered, tugging at one’s heartstrings. Occasional cussing and another song containing a line about “kicking heads”, yet remaining a break-up song in its simplicity.
I genuinely hope there’s more in the tank from Carsick – songs about urban life will only take you so far and I hope this tour will give them the encouragement to tackle other subject matter in their writing. That said, they have enough credit in the bank (having witnessed them live) to entertain new audiences and gain new fans.

Track Listing
Anaconda Frank
Nothing to Do
Heartbreak at the Anchor & Hope
Carsick are
Joe Richardson (Vocals)
Jack Richardson (Guitar)
Jack Hardiman (Bass)
Tom Armstrong (Drums)
Words by Ross A. Ferrone.