Wimborne Live & Loud will take place from 7pm on 6 Feb 2015 at The Allendale Centre Wimborne Minster Folk Festival is proud to present Wimborne Live & Loud from 7pm on 6 February 2015, with free entry. They are seeking dynamic young (13 – 25 year old) artists and bands to battle it out for a place on stage at this year’s festival. Whether you are a solo performer, an acoustic duo or a five-piece band, they would love to see what you can do. Come prepared with one song that best showcases your talent.
The Prizes
The best acts will be programmed into the festival on Saturday 13 June 2015 for our brand new Youth Music stage on Willow Walk, plus one slot for our winning act on our brand new Stage in The Square on Sunday 14 June 2015. The best performer on the evening of 6 February will also be rewarded with an all day recording experience at Basement Studio. (Worth £140, donated by Wimborne Town Council). Other prizes include two 4 hour rehearsal sessions at Absolute Music.

Our Judges
The judges for the competition include: Will McNicol (Young Guitarist of the Year 2011); Singer, songwriter Hannah Robinson; Andy Pickering from Absolute Music and a guest judge.
How to Register
Register now for a slot in the competition by sending an email to katie@wimbornefolk.co.uk with the subject line “Wimborne Live & Loud 2015”. Entries to be aged between 13 – 25 years old. The closing date for applications is 31 January 2015.
The Wimborne Minster Folk Festival 2015 returns on the 12th, 13th, 14th June 2015!